Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

Cancer + Holidays = A mix of opportunities and challenges

Cancer and the holidays can bring a mix of emotions for individuals and families. The holiday season, often associated with joy, togetherness, and celebration, can be a particularly sensitive time for those affected by cancer. Here are some key considerations.

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Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

What does it all mean? 🤓

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, there are so many medical terms thrown around and most people don't have the bandwidth to ask, "What does that mean?"

Here is an A-Z list of cancer terms you need to know!

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Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

Beyond the Pink Ribbon

Every October, a wave of pink sweeps across the world, from pink ribbons to pink clothing, landmarks, and even sports teams donning the color. It’s not just a color—pink has become a symbol of hope and reminder of the importance of breast cancer awareness.

Whether you’ve been directly affected by breast cancer or are supporting loved ones, wearing pink during Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a meaningful way to show your support and raise awareness for a cause that impacts millions globally.

And of course, during the Q&A I asked, Why? 

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Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

Genetic Testing, Yes? No?

I recently attended a survivor expo and wanted to share one thing that truly surprised me. 

Did you know that if you are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, you should have genetic testing?

A physician spoke at the expo and said when a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer there is a higher percentage of there being a genetic mutation than with breast cancer. 

And of course, during the Q&A I asked, Why? 

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Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

Seasons of Life

Last fall, I listened to a podcast where the guest talked about identifying the season you are in. Is it winter, summer, spring, or fall? At that time, I was struggling and thought that if I knew the season of life I was in, I might be able to navigate this time better. So, I bought his book and read it within a couple of weeks. When I was finished, I was mad. I was mad because he did not give me the five steps to determine the season I was in. Furthermore, he did not provide a game plan for whatever season I was in either! But I couldn’t let it go. Something kept nagging at me to determine my season.

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Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

What is a Previvor?

Last night as I lay in bed perusing through my IG stories, a friend shared a story from a previvor who is a nonprofit co-founder. The message she was sharing was that a funder had pulled her grant because the young woman was a “previvor.”

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Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

Embracing the Feeling of Being Depleted: A Journey Towards Renewal

In a world that constantly demands our attention, energy, and time, feeling depleted is a common experience many of us face. Whether it’s due to work pressures, personal commitments, or the relentless pace of modern life, reaching a point of exhaustion can feel overwhelming. However, this state of depletion isn't just a signal of our limitations; it can also be an invitation to pause, reflect, and rejuvenate.

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Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

How does my breast density determine my breast screening?

The best way to determine breast density is through a mammogram. During a mammogram, low-dose X-rays are directed at the breast tissue to create an image. Radiologists analyze these images and differentiate between different tissues based on their appearance.

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Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

During the storm…

Recently, I had one of my occipital migraine headaches, BUT, I had a new perspective on this monster! I was optimistic because I had finally been able to see a headache specialist, someone that I felt God had led me too. I was finally going to be able to “manage” this beast.

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Edie Tolbert Edie Tolbert

Waiting and waiting and waiting.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you wait every day. You wait for your treatment. You wait for the next doctor’s appointment. You wait to schedule the surgery. You wait to return to the normal life you had before cancer. You wait and wait and wait.

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